Wednesday, 18 January 2012

The Mind & Heart Mutiny

The guys chased her everyday out of the tuition, to her part of the city, to her street and to her house. They would have infiltrated inside her house as well, if situation provided. That was the goal anyway... to score one. But, she would ignore them entirely and would refuse to acknowledge their existence... and so I was told every day before the tuition began. All this talk coming from the so called hunks made me think better of the girl. If these guys were complaining about the girl in unison, it really meant a lot more than that. Boys don't easily give up, if they had so much to complain, the girl indeed was ignoring them real hard. So, she is not one of the lots, she has something between her ears after all.

..and my silent infatuation began without my knowing. She had succefully started pestering my thoughts. At sudden intervals, with no previous warning, I would see her certain movements in front of my eyes in flashes of thoughts. Sometimes I would be reading an issue of Neil Gaiman's Sandman on my laptop and suddenly I would see her shifting her hair with her fingers. She would appear entering the Tuition room with her friends, with all the background full of white light with Gaussian Blur effect in its full glory. And to top it all, this would happen while watching a horny YouTube video. At another times I would see her giving a silent smile in a glimpse while having my dinner. This particular silent smile was her signature feature and it tormented me a lot at various intervals of the day. It took me a week to realize that my mind had signed an agreement with my heart in secrecy and both of them were falling for her without my consent.

My mind started shifting to the auto-mode to track and register her minute movements. It would notice all the significant nothings about her during the one hour of tuition and would put away the significant moves in its database to use against me later in the day. These tormenting details were most effective during bed time. Day by day, falling asleep started becoming an arduous deal for me and it became a ritual to think about her every night before I went to sleep. Thankfully, I didn't have her dreams... somehow I never have any interesting dreams. They are always insignificant.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

An Occasional Idealist

Had a good time with her. Today was a chilly day, so we went for some coffee and I ended up with a slightly light pocket. The good thing about my being from Chandigarh is that I know the cheap, the middle ordered and the expansive places to drink coffee from. 

In the beginning I didn't think I will ever get to chase this girl and will drink coffee with her. I thought she was too much competition to cope up with. She is the most beautiful girl in our tuition at 5 in the evening and since day one she captured every guy's imagination. 6 of the guys immediately started chasing her down and I, despite the fact of being smitten by her, decided to call it off even before it began. There's no point being one of the litter. If she decides to hate the chasers, she will reject me with the same hate and I refuse to be rejected with the rest of the pack. If I'm to be refused, I have to be refused on individual basis with a proper reason.There's always dignity in that.

In case she started seeing one of them, then quite obviously she is one of them. Another beautiful girl with her brains in the pink ribbons. I would refuse to be seen with her and consider myself better than all of them anyway... quite obviously, I like to declare myself as an idealist when it suits me.

As the time unfolded, which in this case was one week, it turned out to be the right move. She hated them all and everyday at 4:20 or so, all of them started bitching about her for half an hour until she came for the tuition at 5. It's funny how guys switch loyalties when it comes to a girl. Initially they were all individuals chasing her, and now that she didn't give them any grounds to carry on their operations, they became a united front against her. The funny part is, if she would talk to any one of them to help her with anything, say with taking her Activa off the stand, the guy would immediately witch sides and will go for independent elections.

More Tomorrow...

Monday, 16 January 2012

Something Exciting Happened - A Girl Friend

Something exciting happened. - A Girl friend

It's been quite sometime that i had been going out with someone. But this feels AWESOME. I'm sure for some weeks it will be fun.. then i guess both of us will get bored of each other... do we ever find a partner who doesn't get boring after a month or so? Is love truly possible? Does that thing even exist...